Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Make Bubbles for kids

Fill an empty jar with water. Use a measuring cup so you can keep track of how much water is in the jar.

Add two tbsp. of liquid dish soap for each cup of water.
Stir the mixture with a spoon. Stir gently to avoid a mess of overflowing bubbles.

For best results, let the mixture sit for at least a day before using it.

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Dont waste money on Buying patio Sets

Here is some great ideas to save money and have a great looking patio set.  These are easy and most places give these pallets away.  If your like me, I don't have several hundred dollars to spend. 

This one is like the one I did, its really simple and I bought the cushions at Wal-mart for 12.00 each. 
Just stack them and you can paint them then add cushions

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